por fundacionmiradas | Jun 28, 2023 | Uncategorized
Welcome to our 2nd Newsletter!The European project «From legal incapacitation to equal legal capacity (We Can!)» started in 2022 with the aim to establish a new professional profile of the person who will support the legal capacity of people with autism. Español:...
por fundacionmiradas | May 12, 2023 | Uncategorized
En la tarde del jueves 11 de mayo de 2023, en el Aula Romeros de la Universidad de Burgos ha tenido lugar la jornada “De la incapacitación legal a la capacidad jurídica en igualdad”. La jornada a la que han asistido 170 personas de manera online y presencial ha...
por fundacionmiradas | Feb 16, 2023 | Uncategorized
Welcome to our Newsletter!The European project «From legal incapacitation to equal legal capacity (We Can!)» started in 2022 with the aim to establish a new professional profile of the person who will support the legal capacity of people with autism. Español:...
por fundacionmiradas | Ene 16, 2023 | Uncategorized
In the Meeting we have dealt with the following topics Brainstorming on the professional profile of the person who will support the legal capacity of people with autism. To finish outlining the newsletter Talking about the areas into which the curriculum will be...
por fundacionmiradas | Dic 5, 2022 | Uncategorized
Today we have shared the conclusions of the focus groups, of the identified good practices and of the «Administratore di sostengo», with this we will design the curriculum of the person who is going to support people with autism in the exercise of their legal...
por fundacionmiradas | Nov 21, 2022 | Uncategorized
The 20th National Congress organised by AETAPI was held in Madrid from 16 to 19 November. The poster with information on the WeCan!