Project coordinators

– Burgos (Spain)
– (EN) Fundación Miradas is an organisation oriented to the care and protection of people with autism and their families. Its main objectives are, among others, to protect people with any kind of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), to help them to minimise its effects, and to exercise all kinds of actions in defence of the rights of the people under its guardianship, trusteeship or representation.
Another of the priorities of the Foundation is the development of all initiatives that promote awareness, study and research of people with ASD.
– (ES) Fundación Miradas es una organización orientada a la atención y protección de las personas con autismo y de sus familias. Sus principales objetivos son, entre otros, proteger a las personas con cualquier tipo de Trastorno del Espectro del Autismo (TEA), ayudarles a minimizar sus efectos, y ejercitar todo tipo de acciones en defensa de los derechos de las personas sujetas a su tutela, curatela o representación.
Otra de las prioridades de la Fundación es el desarrollo de cuantas iniciativas fomenten la sensibilización, el estudio y la investigación de personas con un TEA.

Miguel Gómez

María Ortega

Marta Arroyo

Rodrigo Arnáiz
Project partners

– Lazio (Italy)
– (EN) Labor Soc. Cooperativa Sociale, since its creation in 2000, has been carrying out its social work activities on a non-profit basis. The Cooperative’s commitment is therefore aimed at guaranteeing the continuity of employment and the best economic and professional conditions for its workers, in compliance with art. 4 of the aforementioned law; the recovery, rehabilitation and social integration, with particular attention to disadvantaged people with the following types of social difficulty: physical and mental disability; the usability, accessibility and qualitative and quantitative improvement of the facilities and services for the disabled.
At present, our cooperative employs 97 people in the different services it provides.
– (IT) Labor Soc. Cooperativa Sociale, fin dalla sua creazione nel 2000, svolge le sue attività sociali senza scopo di lucro. L’impegno della Cooperativa è quindi volto a garantire la continuità occupazionale e le migliori condizioni economiche e professionali ai propri lavoratori, nel rispetto dell’art. 4 della legge citata; il recupero, la riabilitazione e l’integrazione sociale, con particolare attenzione alle persone svantaggiate con le seguenti tipologie di difficoltà sociali: disabilità fisica e mentale; la fruibilità, l’accessibilità e il miglioramento qualitativo e quantitativo delle strutture e dei servizi per i disabili.
Attualmente, la nostra cooperativa impiega 97 persone nei diversi servizi che fornisce.

Imola Bellavita

Rosella Robustelli